ARe You ready to invite your donors to become philanthropists?
PGgrowth is Canada’s premier fundraising firm providing industry leading strategic philanthropy services to non-profit organizations. We specialize in the areas of planned giving, comprehensive campaign development and integrated program management for the entire fundraising team. We are a team of senior consultants, with decades of diverse and direct fundraising experience.
Most importantly, we focus on our clients’ needs by finding customized solutions that build capacity, so they in turn can build stronger and healthier communities. Our services and programs will support your mission well into the future.
What’s New
8 Tips for Making Ethical Decisions Easier
By Peggy Killeen Does the word “ethics” have unpleasant connotations for you? If so, you’re not alone. It […]
Education Opportunities
Community Circle: Support for Fundraising Professionals
You have more dollars to raise, but fewer supports and resources to do so. Sound familiar? You are not alone. PGgrowth is excited to announce a special partnership for people like you. Registration for our next series is now open.
“Not only did PGgrowth provide us with excellent senior level resident counsel, they also expanded and developed our planned giving donor engagement capacity. They really helped us build our program.”
“We, at Toronto United Church Council, have now worked with PGgrowth for four years, and I have appreciated the product of our joint labours. The knowledge that your team members have brought to the table contribute immeasurably to the quality of our communications. Most noteworthy is the effort that you have made to ‘get inside’ our unique challenges and respond with the development of appropriate communications pieces. It has been important for us that the program be a non-aggressive one. We have achieved that, and appreciate the wise counsel that has got us here. Production values are always high with your team and that too is appreciated; I believe that those values have contributed to the success of our program.”
“PGgrowth has established a truly sustainable program that provided us with outstanding results to support the future of our school.”
“Hiring PGgrowth was one of the first decisions I made in my new role at Hillfield Strathallan College. Due to the need to maintain a strong focus on the Capital Campaign and Annual Giving, our planned giving program was really in its infancy. We were looking for a way to jump start the program without hiring a full time staff person. Having PGgrowth on board allowed us to grow the program at a rapid pace. With the expert advice of a wonderful team who really know the planned giving discipline, we launched a program in a few months that would normally have taken us several years to deliver. Our lead staff person, who has a big portfolio already, has gained expertise, confidence and skill in an area that was brand new to her. PGgrowth is an outstanding investment in HSC’s long term financial sustainability.”
“When we made the decision to advance our planned giving program we realized that we needed a full plan to truly benefit from this important fund generation program. Ed Sluga came in and quickly provided thoughtful insight and expert direction to move us forward and create a sustainable plan for the school. His experience is evident at every turn. I could listen to him talk about planned giving all day!”
“What working with PGgrowth has provided us is an integrated approach to our program.
It is more than just marketing. It has focused on building a planned gift pipeline.”
It is more than just marketing. It has focused on building a planned gift pipeline.”
“PGgrowth were excellent in helping us review and reposition our fundraising program. They have been supportive of our staff and volunteers and helped us with wise and patient counsel throughout.”
“What working with PGgrowth has provided the NAC is an integrated program of donor engagement that goes beyond simple tactics. It is more than direct mail or telemarketing, it is planned gift pipeline development.”