Understanding the Vital Relationship between Annual Giving and Planned Giving for your Organization
It’s no secret that fundraising activities often operate in closed silos, to the benefit of fundraisers, not our donors. This webinar draws on two experts in their own fields: Ed Sluga, President and Managing Consultant for PGgrowth, a national consulting company specializing in planned giving and strategic philanthropy, and Ben Johnson, Founder and Lead Strategist for Frontier, a marketing company that uses annual giving strategies to help charities grow efficiently and effectively.
Join us to learn more about each area of fundraising, specifically, how they relate to each other, where they conflict with each other, and how to take steps at your organization to properly integrate both areas in a successful development team. After all, friend or foe, we’re all here together for our donors.
About your presenters:

President And Managing Consultant at PGgrowth
Ed is one of Canada’s most experienced planned giving professionals. An innovator and thought leader in the sector for over 25 years, Ed has helped hundreds of organizations develop and benefit from long-term, sustainable and proactive fundraising and planned giving programs. Focusing on developing organizational structures and operations so that they are positioned to experience success for the long-term, Ed’s chief motivation is helping organizations achieve the goals of their mission within their communities.
Ed has an unmatched perspective on the development and planned giving approaches available to organizations. Ed is the co-author of “Worthy and Prepared” along with Peter Barrow, host of the PGgrowth Planned Giving podcast, Professor with the Humber College Fundraising Management Program and a regular presenter of the AFP Fundraising Fundamentals Course.

Founder and Lead Strategist at Frontier
Ben founded Frontier Marketing in 2010 at age 24, shortly after finishing his CMA designation (now called CPA), and having his first of two kids. Back then, it was just Ben, an iMac, and a single client.
That client was and still is working hard to bring hope to Vancouver’s Eastside to overcome poverty, homelessness, and addiction. Ben’s role was to come alongside them and increase their capacity to serve others. Along the way, more organizations that help the poor and addicted came along, needing similar help. Then, organizations focused on international development, education and health sought help not just from Ben but a growing workforce of helpers.
Over time, the team started helping organizations navigate watershed moments, and we evolved from focusing on serving a single need to assisting multiple teams serving numerous needs for nonprofit organizations. These days Benjamin Johnson is a leader and strategist within the cause world.