At PGgrowth we have been fortunate to be surrounded by people who are curious about planned giving. They think about how planned giving enables organizations to carry out their mission by providing sustainable revenue from this significant source of support.
While that is very important source of needed wisdom, the co-founders of PGgrowth, Ed Sluga and Jim Hilborn, decided to do some research to support all that thinking. PGgrowth conducted a survey of hundreds of organizations across Canada about their organization, their fundraising program, and how planned giving fits into their efforts to raise money. The results were very interesting.
Some of our findings were published as an article series in Hilborn Charity eNews. You can read that article here.
We remain curious. That is why we hope you will help us and devote a few minutes to answer our survey. Your input will be extraordinarily important for our sector. These results, along with our previous research, will be analyzed with a final report made freely available. Your input will be an essential part of our collective knowledge.
We appreciate your time and wisdom!